Friday, November 30, 2012


For Thanksgiving the kids put together a special play for their parents. We invited parents up to our room for a mini-play and then for a Thanksgiving feast afterwards. We had so much fun putting together this play and making our costumes. We recited several poems and songs for the parents, then performed a readers theater for them. Afterwards the room was transformed into a family feast for parents and students to enjoy spending time together while sharing Thanksgiving lunch.

After our play we had a special guest speaker come up with authentic Native American artifacts (and a few replicas) to help us better understand the Native Americans of Arkansas. It was such a great day!

Finally we ended our day with getting to touch some real turkey parts. The kids were so fascinated with all we did and I know it'll be something they'll remember!

5 little turkeys

We are slightly obsessed in my room with technology. I'm always trying to find ways for my students to challenge themselves and respond to literature, math, and science using technology. Our current obsession is iMovie. After reading the five little turkeys poem the students wanted to act that out and create an iMovie. We talked about how movie creators begin the creative process for a movie and the kids drew out a picture story to match the poem. Here is our final product...

Guided Reading

Guided reading is definitely a passion of mine. Don't get me wrong, when I started teaching the scariest thing in the world was the thought of teaching these babies to read. So I dove right in and with the help of my amazing Literacy Coach Kelli, some great ELLA training, and lots of research I found my way. Over the years I have developed my own method to my madness and it has become a sort of obsession of mine. After all, I feel like this block of teaching is possibly the most important block of time for my students. So to get started I began with organization. How was I going to keep track of my groups (and how on earth do I group students), keep track of my lessons, their individual work, the books, and spend hours each afternoon doing so. Ok, so let's start with the very beginning. 
1. How do I group my students?

At the beginning of the year I take my students DRA scores and sort them onto my guided reading folder. As you can see it's separated by levels so that helps me to group them by level and see how many kids for each group and if I can move a few kids around to make the groups more manageable.

Then I use my folder from  Debbie Diller's Making the Most of Small Groups to make sure I know the skills they will most likely need to begin with.

Now it's time to put the groups together on my baskets. I got this shelf from Lowe's with the colored bins. On the handle is the list of students in that group and inside is the materials I will need, mostly books. I use colored bins to correlate with my small group folder. This way everything is more organized.

Then I can begin planning for my groups. Debbie Diller inspired me to create these lesson plans for all the levels. I will try and get these uploaded to my tPt account

After that it's just a matter of staying consistent, making it fun for the kids but still keeping a routine, and having everything handy and organized.  Here are a few more pics from behind my desk area.

My routine for guided reading for the most part stays the same, at least until I know the focus should be more on comprehension because they have the word attack strategies down. After I call my kids to the table I listen to one student read and take a running record. The other students are reading quietly from their book as well. I take notes on a notecard (another one of Debbie Diller's brilliant suggestions). I have found that having these notecards helps me to plan better.  After they read I of course give a praise and something to work on. We review skill from previous day and discuss the story (some comprehension). This is where I might do a writing response if appropriate, or a sentence building activity.  After that we do a quick sight word review where the kids use their dry erase boards to write two or three sight words from the new story. Then we build a new word (usually a sight word or a new skill) with magnetic letters. If we are working on a skill or strategy I will do this at this time. Then I'll do a book talk with them and we will locate tricky words as well as words with that featured skill. We make predictions, connections, etc. during this time as well. Then I have the students read independently while I listen and take notes on their cards. Afterwards we discuss one more time the skill and I'll make some more praise points and remind students of things to correct. I send them off to read to a partner in the classroom, then they take their new book home.

This all happens in about 15-20 minutes, depending on the speed and attention of the group. Again it stays basically the same until they get to around level 12-14 in which time I'll begin diving into more comprehension.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


For the last 9 years I have used a calendar folder and board to teach basic calendar concepts. Like so many teachers my board is set up pretty standard with months, days, days we've been in school, weather, hundreds chart, etc. 

Along with teaching calendar each morning the students have a calendar folder with the same skills as the board and a few extra activities. I've always felt this repetition is vital to helping students learn such an abstract concept. But with common core and the amount of time we have to teach so many other things we dropped our calendar folders this year and just stuck with the board. It always felt like something was missing so I began thinking of a way to create a calendar page where everything I could think of was on one page rather than taking up so much time to do an entire folder each day. So here we go...I think a great review of calendar skills that can be done either everyday or once a week. Check it out at my teachers store by clicking here

Starting over

I've tried for the last few years to get into blogging and something has always stopped me. I love as well am slightly obsessed with other teachers blogs and thought I'd give it another try. It's my hope to not only use this to share ideas between other blogs but also for my parents and students as well. So here we go, starting over one last time!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Growing Seeds

                                                Jayden tells us all about growing seeds in baggy's.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Earning feathers

We are earning feathers in our activity classes for good behavior. We get feathers each day we make good choices. We are competing with Kindergarten to see who can earn the most feathers on their eagle. The class that gets the most gets a bounce house party. We have 32 feathers right now!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Circus Comes to Town-tent goes up

We loved watching the tent go up. We had no idea how big it would be!!!

The Circus Comes to Town

This week the circus came to Mayflower. We were so excited to watch the tent go up. We learned all about the circus and how much work it is to get it ready for a show.

The men had work together to push the poles up under the tent. They used a bulldozer to help them.

We really enjoyed learning all about the circus!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reading Races

This week we started reading races. We get with our partners and read our books for 1 minute. We mark our spot with a sticky. While our partners read we listen and help them. The next day we read we try and beat the spot we stopped at.

We also did a new activity called carousel brainstorming. We went around the room and answered math problems on posters with our colored marker. When we were done we used our clickers to click in our answers. Then we talked about our answers. It was a great day of learning!!!

Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day we made cards for some special teachers and helpers in our building to show them we appreciate and love them.

After recess we had an ice cream party. We had chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, caramel, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. We made boxes and passed out Valentine's cards to each other. Mrs. Crisafulli got us treat bags with lots of goodies in them.
We wrote a story about why we love our school too! Valentine's Day was lots of fun!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Field Trip to the Childrens Theater

We took a bus ride into Little Rock to the theater.

Shannon and Ashlyn waiting for the show to start

Preston and Jayden waiting for the show to start

Our class is so excited!

This was the fabulous stage where Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood told their stories.

During the performance the characters on stage interacted with us in all different ways. The show was about goldilocks and red riding hood in a little different way. The characters sang and danced around on stage and wore funny costumes.

When we were done we got to go to the park to eat lunch and play. We had a wonderful day!!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

100th day of School

This week we celebrated the 100th day of school. We made t-shirts with 100 things on them to wear to school. We got to cut out 100 words we knew from magazines and did lots of hundreds day activities.

We had fun making our 100th of school hats with 10 strips of paper and 10 designs on each strip.

In the morning we had a parade through our school and we got to show off our hats and shirts!!!

In the afternoon we made snack mix with 10 pieces of marshmallows, cheese squares, raisins, m & m's, sunflower seeds, goldfish, peanuts, popcorn, and pretzels. That makes 100 pieces of snack mix!!!! The 100th day of school was so much fun!!!!!