Friday, February 17, 2012

Reading Races

This week we started reading races. We get with our partners and read our books for 1 minute. We mark our spot with a sticky. While our partners read we listen and help them. The next day we read we try and beat the spot we stopped at.

We also did a new activity called carousel brainstorming. We went around the room and answered math problems on posters with our colored marker. When we were done we used our clickers to click in our answers. Then we talked about our answers. It was a great day of learning!!!

Valentine's Day

On Valentine's Day we made cards for some special teachers and helpers in our building to show them we appreciate and love them.

After recess we had an ice cream party. We had chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, caramel, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. We made boxes and passed out Valentine's cards to each other. Mrs. Crisafulli got us treat bags with lots of goodies in them.
We wrote a story about why we love our school too! Valentine's Day was lots of fun!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Field Trip to the Childrens Theater

We took a bus ride into Little Rock to the theater.

Shannon and Ashlyn waiting for the show to start

Preston and Jayden waiting for the show to start

Our class is so excited!

This was the fabulous stage where Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood told their stories.

During the performance the characters on stage interacted with us in all different ways. The show was about goldilocks and red riding hood in a little different way. The characters sang and danced around on stage and wore funny costumes.

When we were done we got to go to the park to eat lunch and play. We had a wonderful day!!!!!